1. Microsoft word provides bullets and numbers to put a list of items in a nice order A Bullet and number list B. Right indentation Indentation D. Hanging indentation 2. A list that uses dot circle. A. Left indentation B Bullet D. Hanging indentation C. First Line Indentation 3. A list that uses numbers. A. Left indentation B. Right indentation D. Hanging indentation C. Numbered list These sub-lists are called. A. Left indentation B. Right indentation D. Multi-lists C. First Line Indentation 5. Bullets and number list buttons are located in. A. Home tab B. Multi-lists C. Numbered list D. Hanging indentation 6. Click Numbering Button triangle instead of the bullet button to display a list of numbers you want to assign to the list. True or False: 7. You can create a numbered list as you type. Word will automatically format it according to your text. True or False: