
Activity 1. Identification of Devices
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Directions: Identify the word or group of words that corresponds to the statement in each item.
Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. These are devices designed to open and close a circuit by non-automatic means and to
open the circuit automatically on a predetermined overcurrent without damage to itself when
properly applied within its rating.
2. These breakers are rated for use at low voltages up to 2 kV and are mainly used in small-
scale industries.
3. These breakers are designed to use inside the buildings or in weather-resistant enclosures.
They are typically operated at a medium voltage with a metal clad switch gear enclosure.
4. These breakers use vacuum as the interrupting medium due to its high dielectric and
diffusive properties
5. These are safety switches that trip on when it detects the slightest ground fault current.
6. These circuit breakers use the principle of electromagnetism to break the circuit.
7. These switches are manually actuated by hand.
_8. These switches are actuated by the changes in some physical state and properties.
9. This is the simplest type of switch.
10. It is a pair of on-on switches which operate together.
11. This switch looks like a momentary action push switch but it is a standard on-off switch;
push once to switch on, push again to switch off.
12. It is a specialized version of a tilt switch that is used as a safety switch in things such as
heaters and other electrical equipment
13. This is a switch that reacts to light.
14. It is sometimes called reed switch and is usually used for security circuit.
15. This switch is operated with a specialized key.
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Wolfgang Laurig and Joachim Vedder

In the 3rd edition of the ILO’s Encyclopaedia, published in 1983, ergonomics was summarized in one article that was only about four pages long. Since the publication of the 3rd edition, there has been a major change in emphasis and in understanding of interrelationships in safety and health: the world is no longer easily classifiable into medicine, safety and hazard prevention. In the last decade almost every branch in the production and service industries has expended great effort in improving productivity and quality. This restructuring process has yielded practical experience which clearly shows that productivity and quality are directly related to the design of working conditions. One direct economical measure of productivity—the costs of absenteeism through illness—is affected by working conditions. Therefore it should be possible to increase productivity and quality and to avoid absenteeism by paying more attention to the design of working conditions.