1. What do you call the process where food is broken down with the help of the enzymes? A Chemical Digestion B. Complete Digestion C. Incomplete Digestion D. Mechanical Digest 2. Which process happens when the nutrients are delivered to the cells and tissues in the body? A Absorption B. Assimilation C. Excretion D. Ingestion 3. If you want to maintain a healthy body, which of the following are you going to practice? A Eat chocolates every day to have energy. B. Eat food with oils and salts to taste the food better. C. Eat more rice to supply energy needed by the body. D. Eat fruits and vegetables in every meal to gain enough nutrients. 4. Which process refers to the breaking down of large food particles into a water-soluble subs A Circulation B. Digestion C. Excretion D. Respiration 5. Why is digestion important? A creates food for the body. B. It breaks the muscles into smaller pieces. It supplies chemicals to help achieve healthy body. D. It is responsible in getting nutrients from the food not receive or absorb necessary amount of nutrients, what will it