II. Read each sentence carefully. Write the word DRESSMAKING, if the answer is true, otherwise write the word TAILORING, if it is false. Write your answer in the space. 16. The word "tailor" comes from a French word - "TAILLER"- meaning " to cut. 17. Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) are the characteristics that a good dressmaker must possess in order to perform entrepreneurial functions properly. 18. Tailoring is the art of designing, fitting, fabricating, and finishing garments. 19. Being efficient means a happy and smiling appearance create a positive mood. 20. A successful entrepreneur is committed and dedicated to one's work. 21. A dressmaker should accept client's requests with complain. 22. It is not important to identify the needs and wants of the community before engaging into business. 23. In performing a SWOT analysis some data are gathered from this research work. 24. Being confident means you trust yourself that you can produce a good output. 25. Dressmakers are the ones who can make impressive dresses out of any fabric.