What I Know Multiple Choice: Read the following statements. Choose the letter of the correct answer 1. Which of the following is the process of reproducing or creating a new plant or seedling? D. replanting A. scientific method B. plant propagation C. Gardening 2. What is propagating trees through their seeds? A. sexual propagation B. asexual propagation C. planting D. seedling 3. Which is not an example of asexual propagation? A. Grafting B. Budding C. seed germination D. Marcotting 4. Which is not important in planting and propagating trees and fruit-bearing trees? A. It provides us food such as fruits and nuts. B. It is a major source of fuel for heating and cooking. C. It gives us shade against sunlight and their roots help to prevent flooding. D. It consumes lots of water so it's a waste of time planting them. 5. One of the product that comes from trees is fiber, which of these made from fiber? D. resin A. slipper B. paper and pulp C. basket