
positive and negative effects of news from a tv station​

Sagot :



  1. TV makes you a witness to important events in real time.
  2. TV makes you a witness to important events in real time.It can be a powerful tool for verification.
  3. TV makes you a witness to important events in real time.It can be a powerful tool for verification.It gives you personal storytelling: a strong connection to people in the news.
  4. TV makes you a witness to important events in real time.It can be a powerful tool for verification.It gives you personal storytelling: a strong connection to people in the news.It can create a shared national experience (Think Man on the Moon, Newtown shooting, Marathon bombing)


  • The engaging qualities of television allow advertisers to create a long lasting and memorable brand image.
  • TV offers not only sight, but also sound and motion. Ads in newspapers are strictly visual and do not connect with viewers the same way as TV advertisements do.