Thorium is a weakly radioactive metallic chemical element with the symbol Th and atomic number 90. Thorium is silvery and tarnishes black when it is exposed to air, forming thorium dioxide; it is moderately soft, malleable, and has a high melting point. Thorium is an electropositive actinide whose chemistry is dominated by the +4 oxidation state; it is quite reactive and can ignite in air when finely divided.
Francium is a chemical element with the symbol Fr and atomic number 87. Prior to its discovery, it was referred to as aka-caesium. It is extremely radioactive; its most stable isotope, francium-223 (originally called actinium K after the natural decay chain it appears in), has a half-life of only 22 minutes. It is the second-most electropositive element, behind only caesium, and is the second rarest naturally occurring element (after astatine). The isotopes of francium decay quickly into astatine, radium, and radon. The electronic structure of a francium atom is [Rn] 7s1, and so the element is classed as an alkali metal.
Their Similarities:
-They are both Radioactive
- They are both Electropositive
Why they are likely similar?
Since Francium and Thorium are radioactive elements they contain disintegrating nuclei, emitting alpha rays, beta rays, and gamma rays. Francium and thorium are the best known radioactive elements. Minerals that contain these elements in their chemical structure will be radioactive.