
XI. Assessmeret:
Directions. Read carefully the questions. Then write your answer in your answer sheet
1. Who are the consumers?
a. They are the persons who buy products or services for personal us a
b. They are the ones who are responsible for health information
c. They are the ones who offer health services.
d. They are the persons who do not buy products or services for personal use.
2. What is Heulth Information?
a. They are the person who buys products or services for personaluss and not for
business purposes.
b. It is information that people require to make wise choices and decisions about their
health or the health of other people,
c. It ainns to develop a person's ability to evaluate ar d utilize health in forriation
products, and services wisely and effectively,
d. It is a study about health
3. What is Health Product?
a. The legal moral duties of protection owed to a purchaser of goods or sanvices by the
b. These refer to substances, materials, or equipinent prepared or manufactures for
you to buy and use for the maintenance of health and the treatment of diseases.
c. These are the people who use health services in the past or who coule potentially
use the service in the future.
d. None of the above,​