
30. How will you detine Health related fitness

A.The ability to become strong and stay healthy
C. The ability to perform basic skills
B. The ability to move quickle
D. To eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

31. Which of the following refers to drugs that a non-drug user might try such as cigarettes and alcohol?
A. Available drugs
B. Gateway drugs
c. General or common drugs D. Prescribed drugs

32. What do you call the addictive drug found in tobacco products like cigarettes that is poisonous stimulant?
A Amphetamine B.Carcinogens
C. Inhalants
D. Nicotine

33. Which of the following best describes a mainstream smoke?

A.It is a smoke lert along time on sofa, beddings, pillows, and other objects.
B M is also called residual tobacco smoke that settles along with dust and can last for months.
C. it is the smoke that comes out of the lighted end of a cigarette or pipe.
D. It refers specifically to the smoke that a smoke directly inhales.

34. What is the law that governs tobacco production, distribution, and use?

A Republic Act 1614
B. Republic Act 6425
C. Republic Act 921
D. Republic Act 10121

35. Teddy is suffering from tetanus or lock jaw. What type of bacteria could have infected him?
A.Resident bacteria
c. Rickettsia
D. Toxin bacteria