
what are the (6) process of writing a fewture story?​

Sagot :


1) “Have courage”

This life takes courage, sometimes we have no choice, at other times it takes a leap of faith. But we need courage to get up every day and get out there.

So en-courage yourself. The best way to do this is to remind yourself you have so far survived all of the days you made a mistake,

2) “Lean into the fear”

Fear kills imagination, that’s how it robs us of possibility!

In his first inaugural address FDR called fear the “nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyses needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.” We know it’s a primitive fight or flight response, so choose. Run, or lean into it.

“The thrill of soaring has to begin with the fear of falling”

Now when I don’t know how I will do something, or what to do, I lean into it and take a step. One. Now.

3) “Look on the bright side of life”

Yes, I’m inspired by a Monty Python song but, studies show that optimistic people are also more motivated to succeed because their expectations of life are higher. London-based neuroscientist Tali Sharot, said: “If you expect to get to where you want to go, whether it’s professionally or in your personal life, you’re more likely to commit to the actions that will take you there.”

From my research for Toasters Don’t Roast Chickens I know it is a biological fact that you cannot be in growth and protection at the same time, it is not possible.

Being positive broadens your perspective of what is possible and opens your mind to new ideas, which allows you to build new skills and resources.

4) “Believe in the good in people”

Suddenly the world will fill up with good people. They are everywhere, so many wonderful people with a moment of time they will give to you, a hand they will extend, a lifetime of friendship on offer.

5) “Be grateful”

Gratitude is like the perfect nutrition for creativity, it builds strong connections in our hearts, and pathways in the maps of our minds; it is the food for thought and at the heart of the matter, literally.

Gratitude rewires any negativity into growth, and literally rewrites the stories in your head to ones of possibility.

Notice all the good in our lives until it becomes a habit. Whether you are saying a silent thank you to your lucky stars or to a person for a kindness, being grateful makes you notice the good in every day and nothing else makes a day feel so good.

“There are moments so vast the quiet burns a new colour in the sky, and the night smells different.”

6) “Back yourself”

Imagine what could change when you back yourself, and walk the talk. You and I, we are enough. None of us is perfect, we don’t know everything and we make mistakes, but you have the skills, talents, wisdom, ideas, and heart you need to make your Future Story real. The things you don’t know you’ll learn, or you’ll ask for help with, because that’s how it works. How do I know this? Because it’s true for me too.

Considering we had a choice to quit whenever we wanted, what helped us to get up at 4 in the morning; sew our blisters and bind our feet and set off before dawn to beat the inevitable heat, often walking through industrial estates and past cement factories; to get to the end of the day knowing we had to find a bed and wash our clothes in time to get them dry to wear the next day, with not much more to look forward to than a meagre meal and a disturbed night?

Just get up every day and do something, one thing.