- empty disenfectant
- old newspaper
- plastic water bottles
- empty mayonnaise jar glass
- empty paint cans
- candy wrappers
- bottle drained batteries
How to Dispose of Useful Materials
- Follow the label instruction. Some labels give disposal recommendations.
- Follow the label instruction. Some labels give disposal recommendations. Use it up.
- Follow the label instruction. Some labels give disposal recommendations. Use it up. Recycle.
- Follow the label instruction. Some labels give disposal recommendations. Use it up. Recycle. Donate.
- Follow the label instruction. Some labels give disposal recommendations. Use it up. Recycle. Donate. Throw it in the trash with special treatment.
- Follow the label instruction. Some labels give disposal recommendations. Use it up. Recycle. Donate. Throw it in the trash with special treatment. Flush a very small amount, no more than a cup, down the drain with plenty of water.
- Save for a collection day.
How to Dispose of Harmful Materials
- Research the laws in your county.
- your county.Read the labels.
- your county.Read the labels. Schedule a home pick up.
- your county.Read the labels. Schedule a home pick up. Find a drop off location.
- your county.Read the labels. Schedule a home pick up. Find a drop off location. Request a mail-in recycling kit.
- your county.Read the labels. Schedule a home pick up. Find a drop off location. Request a mail-in recycling kit. Donate.
- your county.Read the labels. Schedule a home pick up. Find a drop off location. Request a mail-in recycling kit. Donate. Keep materials in their original packaging.
- your county.Read the labels. Schedule a home pick up. Find a drop off location. Request a mail-in recycling kit. Donate. Keep materials in their original packaging. Never mix products.
- A
- D
- C
- B not sure tho
- B
Happy Learning po :)