
Directions: Choose and write the letter of the best answer.
1. Where is the North Star be found?
A. Cassiopeia
B. North of Orion
C. North of Rigel
D. Little Dipper
2. What constellation has a shape of letter W?
A. Big Bear
B. Cassiopeia
C. Little Bear
D. Orion
3. What is a Constellation?
A. a galaxy
B. a pattern
C. a milky way
D. a group of stars
4. What is the other name for Polaris?
A. Evening Star B. Morning Star C. North Star
D. Red Star
5. The constellation Orion is named after which figure from the Greek mythology?
A. The King
B. The Lion
C. The Hunter
D. The Dragon
1. The constellation Ursa major contains the group of seven stars known as the
A. Cassiopeia
B. The Big Dipper
C. The Great Bear's Tail
D. Orion
2. A constellation when the stars like Rigel and Betelgeuse are located.
A. Andromeda
B. Cassiopeia
D. Pegasus
3. What instrument used by navigator to find the ship's latitude?
A. sextant
B. spectroscope
C. telescope
D. thermometer
4. Based from the ancient people, the alignment of the stars is called
A. asterism
B. galaxies
C. patterns
D. supernova
5. The star that always points to the north is the
a. Belteguise
b. Polaris
c. Rigel
d. Sirius​