
Directions Put a check mark in the column that corresponds to the phase of the moon
being described in each of the situation (legend NM-New moon, wx waxing crescent: FO-
stuarter: WXG waving gibbous M. fool moon, WNG/WNC waning gibbous crescent)
Description NM Wac RO WXO IM WNG 1 WNC
Amethyst og her
modes She looks
uude her window and
crescent in two
the remembered that
the moon was quite
than today What is the
hace of the moon that
One the children an
NA ced that the
moon at its best and
glowing wht What
phase of the moon
Roder's father is a fisher
He went that he
because that he can
catch more Rodello
the sky and not see the
moon What do you
the phase of the moon that
Somed myth said that
come out on
when the moon in
but we can see a bort
of the moon This scenario
anser au moon
what has this?
Specife Week: 4
Target Competency: Infer the pattern in the changes in the appearance of the