
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. What is a constellation?
A. It is a hot glowing sphere of gases.
B. It is nearer to Earth than the other stars.
C. It has a higher temperature than the other stars.
D. It is a group of stars that form distinct patterns in the sky.

2. Which of the following constellations is visible in the northern hemisphere?
A. Crux
B. Musca
C. Pavo
D. Ursa Minor

3. Which of the following is one of the southern constellations?
A Cassiopeia
B. Crux
C. Draco
D. Ursa Major

4. Which of the following is one of the Zodiac constellations?
A. Aries
B. Cassiopeia C. Draco
D. Grus

5. Which of the following constellations resembles a Hunter?
A Centaurus
C. Orion
B. Hydrus
D. Triangulum Australe

6. Which is TRUE about the constellation Hydrus?
A. Its English name is Fly
Cits English name is Sea Dragon
B. Its English name is Flying Fish Duits English name is Water Bearer.

7. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Ursa Miner?
A It is a northern constellation
B. Its English name is Little bear
C. It is a southern constellation.
D. Polaris is found at the last star of the handle of the little dipper in this constellation

8. Why are some constellations can be seen only at particular times of the year
A. Because they are scattered around the solar system
B. It changes its location in space in relation to other stars and constellations
C. After a year, the constellations seem not to return to their orginal location in the sky
D. The moon returned to its original location in the solar system after one revolution around the sun

9. Why are constellations important?
A. It is used to praise gods.
B. It is used to tell general directions.
C. It is used to measure distance of the Earth to the sun.
D. It is used to brighten the sky with their beautiful patterns.

10. Once there were no clocks to tell time. People relied on constellations. Which is a way people used constellations to tell time?
A Farmers studied constellations to mark seasons,
B. Sailors used constellations to steer their ships at night.
Construction workers used constellations to build roads
D. Constellations are used by astronomers to locate stars, nebulae, and galaxies​