Il ris achieved when all parts of a composition appear to have equal weight sensatile a visual b pattern balance 12. Refers to the lightness or darkness of a color a shape b value intensity 13. The pure he is at its brightest right from the bone shape b value intensity 14 Lines, colors, or shapes repeated over and over in a planned way is unity b. balance c pattern 15. Refers to the brightness or dullness of a color a shape by value intensity 16. Another term for center of interestis a focal point bunity c. balance 17. What software may be used in digital sculpting? a blender b camera cellphone 18. is a part of the screen, which has a specific function a. editor b. panels c controls 19 are contained in the panel. These can let you modify a function, an option or a value a. editor b. panels controls 20 are options that are grouped to logically organize the interface. a. editor b. panels c. controls