Liza:Why are there students in the yard? They seem to be cheering for someone. Dianne: It is coach and the varsity players. They are trying to set up the basketball ring. Liza: Was it not destroyed because of the free that fell on it? Dianne: Yes, it was. They asked the school personnel to have it fixed a long time ago. Liza: So now they decided to take it into their own hands rather than wait for the others to fix it. Thei's what I call rising to action. Dianne: It seems that getting everyone to cooperate would get things done. Liza: Everyone will now be happy that the ring is set up. Dianne: Good luck to our peaceful days in the ground.
Who do you think is would benefit in this endeavor? Why? ____________
Adaptability, persistence and hard work, these are the keys to success in small business, but they are three important attributes no matter what your endeavor.