
as a student i learned that​

Sagot :


My most valuable school experiences weren't academic. They were all about people—social skills, respect, self-worth, empathy, and realizing your own potential. On the sports field, I learned about winning and losing graciously. In the classroom, I learned that doing your best counted far more than academic ability.

Because of teachers who believed in me, I also learned that I was capable of more than I thought. In our final year of school, our teachers identified a few of us to join Toastmasters, which I hadn't even heard of. I found my niche—talking to others. I won our provincial round of prepared speeches and went on to come in third in South Africa. Never in my wildest dreams would I have expected that. I've been out of school for 21 years, but I still look back at the lessons I learned and try to pass them on to the children I teach now.





Seeing a Bright Future

In the 8th grade, my language arts teacher, Mrs. Griffin, presented a new trajectory for me by uttering the following words: "I do not want you to invite me to your high school graduation; I want you to invite me to your college graduation." This statement marked the first time anyone presented a college degree to me as an attainable pathway. Eight years later, I became the first person in my family to graduate from college. When I sent out announcements for my college graduation ceremony, Mrs. Griffin was the first person on my guest list.