
1. The organic material in soil is___.
A. bedrock B. feldspar C. fertilizer D. humus
2. Soil begins to form when the process of ____ breaks down parent rock.
A. weathering B. topography C. soil horizons D. deposition
3. A distinct layer of soil is called ______
A. soil horizon B. humus C. soil profile D. topography
4. The C horizon contains_____
A. humus with dark organic material
B. clay and little to no humus
C. partially weathers parent rock
D. less humus but contains many more minerals.
5. Why are the top layers of soil darker in color than the lower layers? Because they___
A. contain less organic matter C. contain more organic matter
B. are the parent rock D. are the pore space
6. The texture of a soil is determined by the soil particles’____
A. chemical makeup B. mass C. shape D. size
What I Know (Pre-test)
7. Soil particles are classified as_____
A. parent rock, humus and bacteria C. sand, silt and clay
B. topsoil, subsoil, parent rock D. igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic
8. A bedrock is_____.
A. the hard solid layer of rock beneath the soil
B. the dark organic material formed in soil from the decayed remains of plants and
C. a method to maintain the fertility of the soil by protecting the soil from erosion
and nutrient loss
D. a loose mixture of rock fragments, organic material, a water, and air that can
support vegetation
9. Which soil horizon is generally called “subsoil”?
A. A horizon B. B horizon C .D horizon D. O horizon
10. Which animals would best help the soil hold water?
A. earthworm making holes under the surface
B. horse making trenches when they gallop
C. cattle making depressions with their hooves
D. sheep pulling up plants by their roots