TITLE: Excessive Use of Social media
Social media is helpful device which we communicate far away in this pandemic all the people are now working in Social media in just one post you can receive followers likes and views which you can earn money.
But social media overuse is increasingly commonplace today, and it may have some serious repercussions to your physical and mental health. You can become so accustomed to scrolling through posts, images, and videos that it interferes with other areas of your life
How do I decrease of being addictive in Social media? Simple you need to have a time limit on using social media . Start making your day without a phone in your hand
and you spend your favorite hobbies, for me I like to read novels and books about King and Queen. Then, turn off your personal phone during work, as well as during school, meals, and recreational activities. You can also adjust the setting on each social media app so you can turn off certain notifications.