
What does the matrix looks like when you are solving it?? a

Sagot :

An m × n matrix is represented in the form

F is said to be the field of scalars. If, in particular, F be the field of real (complex) numbers, the matrix is said to be a real (complex) matrix. The element aij appearing in the ith row and jth column of the matrix is said to be the ijth element. The matrix is also denoted by the symbol (aij)m,n.

Horizontal lines of a matrix are called rows. Vertical lines of a matrix are called columns.

Each number or function aij is called its element.

The element of a matrix is usually denoted by a small letter of the alphabet along with two suffixes. The first suffix indicated the number of row and the second one indicated the number of column.

The all numbers or functions aij that is the elements of a matrix are enclosed in brackets [   ].

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