
I. identification. choose the correct answer from the list of words below

mercury venus earth mars
jupiter saturn uranus neptune
planetie 243 225 terrestrial planets
jovian planets revolution rotation

_______1.the movement of the earth on axis is called ________.
_______2.this planet has almost the same size and density as the earth.
_______3.it is considered the biggest planet.
_______4.the only planet that can sustain life.
_______5.this planet has an average distance of 85million km from he sun and an equatorial diameter of 4800km.
_______6.this planet looks red because of the presence of iron on is surface.
_______7.this is the first planet to be discovered using mathematical calcutions before being confirmed by a telescope.
_______8.it is called a cold planet. its temperature at the top can reach about -175° C.
_______9.Jupiter,Saturn,uranus and Neptune are also called ________.
_______10.the movement of the earth around the sun is called______.
_______11.this planet is considered an ice giant because it is mostly made up of frozen water,methane and ammonia
_______12.this word means "wandering" because the planets are always moving.
_______13.mercury,Venus,earth and mars are also called ______.
_______14-15.venus rotates from east to west once every(14)_____earth days and revolves around the sun for (15)____days.​