
V. ASSESSMENT (Time Frame:
(Leaming Activity Sheets for Enrichment, Remediation or Assessment to be given on Weeks 3 and 6)
Match the intentional injuries in column A with
their meaning in column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on your notebook or on a separate sheet of paper (Itugma
ang "intentional injuries" sa kolumn A sa kahulugan nito na nakasaad sa kolumn B. Isulat ang titik ng sago sa inyong
notebook o nakahiwalay na papel)
1 Kidnapping
use of violence for political goals and putting the public or a great number
2. Stalking
of people in fear
3. Domestic violence b most youth are joining because of sense of belongingness that this group
4. Rape
would provide-mostly base in colleges and universities
5. Fraternity
a sexual relation between close relatives.
6. Acts of terror
d. a pattern of behavior used by one person to control the other.
7. Extortion
a sexual assault by sexual penetration without consent or when the victim is
8. Incest
not capable of giving consent.
9. Suicide
i. the act of intentionally killing oneself, mostly because of extreme
10. Abduction depression or intense pain.
g. an act of getting money, property, or favors from other people
h. a crime by taking away or forcefully transporting a person, unlawfully or
without consent
1. knowing your schedule and showing up at places you go, any other
actions to contact, harass, track or frighten you
i when deceit or force is used in order to take someone away from their
home or relatives​