QUARTER 4 SUMMATIVE #3 ENGLISH 6 Direction: Complete the sentences. Write the letter of the correct answer. I know the answer, I can't tell you. A. but B. and C.so D. then 2. Should we go by train, take the bus? A, nor B. or C. then D. and 3. I will be late for the party I will be having dinner with my parents first. A. and B. then C.so D. or 4. The teacher let us listen to music we worked on our papers. A. where B. when C. because D. while 5. I cannot find a good restaurant I can eat for a good price. A. where B. when C. because D. while She can visit her grandma her family travels to Palawan this summer. A. where B. when C. because D. while 7. The teacher not only left the classroom, slammed the door. A. and B. then C. but also D. will also 8. You have to keep the car as close to the curb possible. A. and B. are C.or D. as 9. We cannot decide we should go to France nor to Italy. A. Neither B. either C. and D. or 10. It's not about how much money you have how you spend it. A.SO B. but C. and D. then 6.