
Learning Task No. 1 Directions: Complete the sentence by filling in the blank with the correct word from the options provided below.

The cycling of materials includes the oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle, the water cycle and the__________ .Organisms and produce gases in photosynthesis and__________ .These gases flow through organisms and the environment in a cyclic process called the___________ .It shows the interdependence among organisms for these important gases. Another cycling material in the ecosystem is the water cycle. The cycling process involves evaporation, in which___________ warms the water, __________ by the process in which plant roots absorb water and then release the water in the form of vapor through the_______, condensation by which water vapor changes into a liquid and precipitation in which water released from ___________ in the form of rain, freezing rain, sleet, snow, or hail. Nitrogen Cycle is also a process in cycling materials of the ecosystem, about__________ percent of the gases in the atmosphere is made up of nitrogen gas. Organisms use nitrogen to build proteins and________ .The converting of nitrogen to ammonia is called_________.


Nitrogen fixation. Sunlight

Respiration. Transpiration

79%. Oxygen-carbon cycle

Nitrogen cycle. Clouds

Nucleic acids. vLeaves