7. A type of oblique drawing which is prepared to it's actual measurement. A. Cavalier oblique B. Oblique Drawing C. Isometric Drawing D. Axonometric Drawing 8. A type of oblique drawing in which the thickness of the object is reduced by half. A. Cabinet Oblique B. Cavalier oblique C. Oblique Drawing D. Isometric Drawing 9. A pictorial drawing which contains receding lines that converge at a vanishing points on the horizon. A. Perspective Drawing B. Cabinet Oblique C. Cavalier oblique D. Oblique Drawing 10. A closed curve in the form of a symmetrical oval. A. Ellipse B. Perspective Drawing C. Cabinet Oblique D. Cavalier oblique 11. It is located at the right side and aligned with the front view. A. Left side view B. Right side view C. Top view D. Rear view