
1. It is a small mechanical or electronic device with practical use but is often thought of as an innovation.
A. tools
B. gadgets
C. vehicles
D. machines
2. It is an electrical device that is placed beside the door or gate of a house or building.
A. extension cord
B. barbwire
C. doorbell
D. outlet
3. It is a flexible power cable that can reach long-distance connections.
A. extension cord
B. barbwire
C. lamp shade
D. outlet
4. The following materials are examples of a conductor. Which of the following does NOT belong to conductors of electricity?
A. metal
B. plastic
C. water
D. all materials
5. The following materials are examples of non-conductor. Which of the following does NOT belongs to non-conductors of electricity?
A. dry Plastic
B. dry rubber
C. dry wood
D. dry meta
6. It is used to join two tiny metallic parts such as television and radio spare parts.
A. Screw Driver
B. Soldering Iron
C. Plier
D. Longnose
7. Which of the following safety and health practices must be followed?
A. Wearing electrical gloves.
B. Storing gadgets away from the reach of children.
C. Turn off and unplug the device, gadget, or appliance while working.
D. All of the above.
8. It is a tool used in tightening and loosening screws.
A. Screw Driver
B. Soldering Iron
C. Pliers
D. Longnose
9. It removes the protective coating of an electric wire.
A. Screw Driver
B. Wire Stripper
C. Pliers
D. Side Cutter
10. A kind of tape used to protect electric wiring for insulation.
A. dock tape
B. electrical tape
C. masking tape
D. scotch tape​