What I Know TASK 1: VOCABULARY/CONCEPT BUILDING "Romeo and Juliet” is an example of a tragic play or drama written by William Shakespeare where the main characters were brought to ruin or suffered extreme sorrow, especially as a consequence or inability to cope with unfavorable circumstances. Before you read the excerpt of the play, you must learn concepts on the elements of drama or play and some keywords from the story itself. Directions: 1. In the table below, you will find a list of important concepts relating to the elements of drama or play. Match the concept with its definition by writing it in the first column of the table below conflict Scenes acts playwright dialogue protagonist cast of characters drama props Qarrator Elements of Drama Definition a story intended to be performed in front of an audience. divisions of acts that occur in different settings. the author of a play. a list of all the characters in the play, usually in the order of appearance. an abbreviation of the word "property", any object that is used in a play that helps to enhance the setting. a character who sets the scene for the play and comments on the action. the words speeches or conversation spoken by characters to each other. Much of what you learn about the characters setting and events are revealed in this conversation. the central or main character a drama. They are a central part of the conflict in the plot and normally the hero. internal or external problems the characters face in play. The theme or moral centers around this and protagonist and antagonist play a huge role in its resolution. a long uninterrupted speech that is spoken by a single character which reveals his/her thoughts and feelings. 1