
D. 5. Why is Neptune the only planet hat is not visil A. because Neptune is too far away from the sun B. because Neptune is too far away from the Earth c. because Neptune is the only planet to be discovered using Mathematics D. because the telescope was no yet invented durirg the discovery of Teptune 6. How are Saturn's rings thought to have been created? A. from the melting and vaporizitig of comets and asteroids B. from the planet's gravity attracting dust, pieces o 'rocks and ice c. from the planet's powerful gra rity tearing apart other heavenly bodiez from the planet's noons and meteors shattering and breaking Why does Uranus experience two decades of nigh time in winter, two decades of daytime in summer and four decades of day and night in the spring and fall? A. because Ujanus is tilted on its side B. because Uianus is very far fron the sun C. because Uranus has methane in its atmosphere D. because Uianus rotates in a backwards direction 3. What makes Venus the hottest planet? A. It has a crushing air pressure at its surface. B. It is close to the sun, being the second planet. C. It has acid:c clouds that does not bring in rain. D. Its atmosphere contain sulfuric acid that trap the heat. 9. Which spacecraft that visited 'Venus mapped the planet's surface wit i ra A. Japan's Akatsuki C. NASA's Mariner 2 B. NASA's Magellan D. Soviet Unon's Venera 13 10. Which gas gives the bluish coloring of the planets Uranus and Neptune? A, ammonia C. hydrogen B helium D. methane​