
true or false. Write the correct answer if it's false.

6) He Egyptian paintings and sculptures were traditionally placed in tombs because of the ancient belief that these assist the soul in the afterlife.

7) The Greeks are not good sculptors either in stone carving or in bronze casting.

8) Another well-known folk art of the Greek is the mosaic.

9) Greek architecture is known for tall columns, intricate detail, symmetry, harmony, and balances. The Greeks built all sorts of buildings.

10) Egyptians are excellent in making vases.

11) Roman builders utilized naturally occurring materials, primarily stone, timber, and marble.

12) Roman Architecture is famous for its domes, arches, amphitheaters, temples, thermaes (bath house), atriums, aqueducts, apartments, houses, and for many other factors that made it unique.

13) Roman art was often carved into the walls of stone buildings depicting battles, and famous Romans.