Identification: Identify the following literary genres . Write your answers on the space provided 1. It is a short literary composition that reflects the author's outlook or point . _2 . It is a written account of another person's life . . It is a story about supernatural or extraordinary people . . It is the faculty or power of speaking . 5. It is a type of nonfiction that provides information based on fact that is presented in a format which tells a story 6. It is the genre of literature that is subject for compositions . 7. It is verse and rhythmic writing with imagery that evokes an emotional response from the reader . 8. It is the forming of mental images with strange or other worldly settings characters . 9. It is the faculty of perceiving what is amusing or comical . 10. It is a type of nonfiction that provides / gives the history of a person's life , written or told by that person .