
Directions: Match items in Column A with the items inside the box by writing the letter of the correct answer.
Column A
36. It refers to a series usually featuring one or more recurring hosts
particular topic or current event.
engaged in discussing a
37. It refers to a short recording of video, usually a part of a long
a. Animation
38. It refers to a presentation of still images.
b. Audio
39. It stands for video blog where all the content is in video format.
40. These are usually seen in video sharing applications like YouTube
41. It refers to a seminar conducted over the internet.
c. Blog
42. It is written in an informal way or conversational style.
43. It is a form of blog for which the medium is video.
d. Diagram
44. It is also a personal or social media account where a person
regularly posts short videos.
e. Infographics
45. It allows speakers from the hosting organization or company to
share slides, videos, web pages, or other multimedia content with the
audience located anywhere.
f. Multimedia
46. These are photographs, drawings, paintings, or any static images.
47. These refer to a graphic visual representation of information,
data, or knowledge to present information quickly and clearly.
48. It refers to a plan, drawing sketch, or outline that shows how
something works or shows the relationships or interconnections between
h. Slideshow/
the parts of a whole.
49. It refers to a method in which figures are manipulated to appear
as moving images
50. It refers to any digital information stored on and played on a
i. Still Images
computer with speech or music.
g. Podcast
j. Text
k. Video
1. Video clip​