Learning Task 8: Now, that you can distinguish real from make-believe images, fact from non-fact images, it is time for you to create your own. Be familiar with the rubric below which will be used in rating your self-made illustrations. Rubric for Illustrated Images 3 Rating Features 1 Image poorly express- es the intended idea (whether fact or non- fact), making it con- fusing Content 2 Image expresses the intended idea (whether fact or non-fact), but still needs to be ex- plained for clarity. Grap phics appropriate for the message of the image. ar e Image strongly expresses the intended idea (whether fact or non-fact), hence easily identified. Graphics a n d illustrations enhance the message of the image. Image demonstrates high level of creativity and originality. Graphics weaken ra- ther than enhance the message. Graphics a Creativity Image demonstrates creativity. Limited creativity is evident in the image. Image demonstrates a high level of neatness and quality. Neatness Total