The pandemic situation has spread as a global pandemic disease which is creating fear, stress, stigma, minimising social networks, etc. Health and medical systems, especially biomedical systems, have taken their maximum effort but the healthcare system itself is affected due to various conditions in nature. Thus, there are many deaths reported though the biomedical system has made an enormous effort. High rate of deaths due to various illnesses or complications of diseases occurring amongst the patients, especially the elderly who are affected by COVID-19.
Impossible tasks and challenges to the medical staff, supporting staff, social workers and health administrators at local, domestic and/or global levels. The World Health Organisation (WHO) is the primary entity followed by other United Nations (UN) agencies which are responsible during a regional and/or global pandemic situation. Some countries such as Italy, Spain, USA and China and a few other European countries are facing a much higher disintegration in all subsystems of society. Thus, the social system needs a complete reorganisation and integration to survive.