4. Flexibility SRC 5. Reaction Time 6. Coordination HEALTH 8 11. Muscular Endurance 12. Organic Vigor I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read the statements carefully and endirde the letter of the correct answer Drole is the total expression of who a person is the includes ones sexual feelings, attractions, thought, b. Biological Dimensions d. Human sexuality b. Biological Dimensions d. Sociocultural Dimensions preferences and behavior. a. Psychological Dimensions c. Physical Dimensions 2. Ils described as the physiological capabilities of one's body, such as his/her physical appearance a. Psychological Dimensions Physical Dimensions 3. It is a response to sexual stimulation, the ability to reproduce or to control fertility, growth and development a. Psychological Dimensions b. Biological Dimensions Physical Dimensions d. Sociocultural Dimensions 4. They counsel greatly affects their concept about sexuality. a. Family b. Mass Media c. Friends d. School and Church 5. Its described as the total perception of the socio and cultural influences involving sequality a. psychological dimension b. biological dimension Socio-cultural dimensions d. Sex and Gender 6. Tithe social