
Read the following sentences. In the blank, write Hif it is a Hyperbole and / if its Irony and a underline the parts of the statement that makes it Hyperbole or irony. (ex. _H_1. I will touch you with a ten-foot pole.) 2 points each. 1. The boy is so smart that he failed in his achievement test. 2. This book weighs a ton. 3. Not even a mouse could smell what you cooked. 4. Rina is so beautiful that she could star in a horror movie, 5. It takes her a lifetime to finish her dressing, 6. Aunt uses so much makeup. She looks like a witch. 7. It took my cousin decade to pass the exam 8. The shopping cost me a million dollars. 9. A pilot has a fear of heights. 10. The dentist suffers a disturbing toothache.​