.. surface of the same slope, it slows down and reaches the same height (figure 2A). Figure 24 Illustrated by: Rhenan O. E 2. In another set up (figure 2B), the ball is released from the same height as figure 2A. It speeds up and if it is rolling up another inclined surface that is not as steep as figure 2A, it slows down and reaches the same height. However, it covers a farther distance as it rolls up the slope. Figure 2B Illustrated by: Rhenan O. 3. In the last set up, the ball is released from the same height as figure 2A. This time, it continues to roll in a flat surface. The ball does not speed up nor slow down (see Figure 2C) as if it continues to move forever. Figure 20 Illustrated by: Rhenan O. Galileo concluded that in the absence of friction and air resistanc ald continue rolling up to a height above the base equal to the height froi released. On a flat surface, the ball would continue to move foreve Id be no force