1. Nena has 2,700 left in her bank account.
Solution: 1,250 + 1,750 = 3,000
Since Nena had 5,500 in her bank account, we need to use subtraction so we can know how much is left in her bank account.
5,500 - 3,000 = 2,700
Nena withdrew 1,250 and 1,750 so we needed to use addition for that.
2. The climber has to complete 870 more feet to go back into the ground feet.
Solution: 750 + 975 = 1,725
2,595 - 1,725 = 870
The climber needs to complete 870 feet more. We needed to use addition so we can know how many feet did the climber hiked already and then we need to subtract 2,595 with 1,725 so we can know how many feet does the climber needs to complete. Answer is 870.