
10. Given this weather update one can conclude that _____________.
A. Many people will ask for donations.
B. It is safe for beach outings in the areas mentioned.
C. Sea travel could be risky in the places mentioned.
D. The rest of the Leyte provinces will have fine weather.
11. The following are the benefits a weather update can give to the people, EXCEPT:
A. It makes people control the weather.
B. It prepares the people for the coming calamity.
C. It advises people to forego immediate travel plans.
D. It gives time for people to secure lives and properties.

For items number 12-15, determine the type of genre one will refer to given the situation.
12. There seems to be a bad weather coming in your area, which type of viewing material
will you use?
A. documentary B. news flash C. movie trailer D. weather report
13. A fire broke in your city, which one will give you updates of the fire?
A. documentary B. news flash C. movie trailer D. weather report
14. Which of the following will give you information of the major characters of an
upcoming movie?
A. documentary B. news flash C. movie trailer D. weather report
15. Which of the following will give you an in-depth report and analysis of the plight of
Manila’s street children?
A. documentary B. news flash C. movie trailer D. weather report