
significance of superman exercise

Sagot :


push up



jumping in roop




The Superman is the perfect equipment-free way to boost core strength. It works your obliques and lower back and helps improve flexibility in your  muscles that surround your spine from your head to your hips. In other words, the Superman strengthens your lower back, works your glutes and builds up your core.


Here's how to do the Superman:

Lie facedown with arms and legs outstretched, forehead on the mat. Your neck should be in a neutral position.

Exhale as you slowly lift arms, legs, upper back, and head off the floor. Keep arms and legs straight but not locked. Your body should resemble a U shape with either side several inches off the floor.

Hold this position for 5 seconds. Remember to keep breathing!

Exhale as you lower back down. Then take it from the top.

Do 3 sets of 15.