Sagot :
Main Parts of the Respiratory System and their Function
The nostrils:
Nostrils are involved in air intake! i.e. they bring air into the nose! where air is warmedand humidified. The tiny hairs called cilia filters out dust and other particles present in the air andprotects the nasal passage and other regions of the respiratory tract.
The trachea is also known as windpipe. The trachea filters the air we inhale and branchesinto the bronchi.
The bronchi are the two air tubes that branch off of from the trachea and carry atmosphericair directly into the lungs.
The main organ of the respiratory system is lungs. Lungs are the site in body where oxygenis taken into and carbon dioxide is expelled out. The red blood cells present in the blood picks up theoxygen in the lungs and carry and distribute the oxygen to all body cells that need it. The red bloodcells donate the oxygen to the cells and picks up the carbon dioxide produced by the cells.
Alveolus is the tiny sac like structure present in the lungs which the gaseous exchangetakes place.
Breathing begins with a dome"shaped muscle located at the bottom of the lungs whichis known as diaphragm. When we breathe in the diaphragm contracts and flatten out and pulldownward. Due to this movement the space in the lungs increases and pulls air into the lungs. #henwe breathe out! the diaphragm expands and reduces the amount of space for the lungs and forces air out.