2.this time signature is also called as the common time a. 2/4 b. 3/4 c.4/4 3.this time signature is also called as the waltz time. a.2/4 b.3/4 b.4/4 4.this time signature is also called as the march Time a.2/4 b.3/4 c.4/4 5.it tells you how many beats to count in a measure. a.upper number b.lower number c.time signature 6.it tells you what kind of note to count or to reicieve one beat. a.upper number b.lower number c. time signature 7 there are six beats in a measure the eighth note receives one beat. a.2/4 b.3/4 c.4/4 8 what is the time signature of the song bahay kubo? a.2/4 b.3/4 c.4/4 9 what is the time signature of our philippine anthem lupang hinirang? a.2/4 b.3/4 c.4/4 10 what is the time signature of san jose city march? a.2/4 b.3/4 c.4/4