

1.Opinions are those that can be doubted and are often confused in our thought while Knowledge is indubitable and thus certain.

2.Philia or wisdom in philosophy is the encounter with the Nothing, an encounter that breaks what we think and do in the usual manner by making us reflect on our relationship to things and the world.

3. For Plato, the things that we see or experience through our senses are mere appearances, copies of the original things beyond this world.

4.Episteme or opinion, is that kind of knowledge that refers to a common understanding or, taken in a certain way, as common sense.

5.Friendship is the closest English translation of Philia.
6.Socrates the Father of Modern Philosophy pioneered the use of doubt in coming up with the truth.

7.Doxa refers to any kind of knowledge attained without any valid or proper justification.

8.Because the enduring of the encounter with the Nothing through language always requires another self, that when one who speaks, there is one who listens; when one writes, there is one who reads; when one ask questions, there is one who attempts to answer.

9.The term Philia, the – philo of philosophy, is a specific term in Attic Greek that can be understood in English as wisdom.

10."Allegory of the Cave" is a concept devised by the Socrates to ruminate on the nature of belief versus knowledge.​