
also called close row or wide rom planting, this method incre significantly over a traditional row style garden 2. are gardens designed for people having little to no traditional prensa 3. is a system of growing crops in blocks or stripe of 2 o mere som is the systematic apportioning of the farm area or any powing surface crop production, 5. generally set up in grids of 4 %. 4 squares with strings or wood attached to the frame to divide the bed into equal square-foot sections. Activity 2 Fill in the Blanks. Supply the missing term in the statement. 1. is the practice of growing a series of different types of crops in the same area across a sequenced of growing seasons. 2-3 There are two methods of planting crops: and 4-6 Direct seeding is either by or by 7 makes use of pre-grown plants, seedlings or vegetatively propagate clones, 8. agricultural practice of growing a single crop year on the same and in the absence of rotation 3. The term used to refer to the practice of replanting an already established plant in one location and moving it elsewhere. 10. special version of double cropping where the second crop is planted nto the first crop before harvest rather than waiting until after harvest as in true double ropping ctivity 3: Answer the essay on a separate sheet of paper or on the blank page of this​

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