
Sacred music was specifically written for use in religious services, which of the following vocal music does not belong to the group?
A. Gregorian Chant
B. Troubadour Music
C. Oratorio
D. Early Christian Chant

7. Which among the following statements best described the music of Baroque Period?

A. Baroque music was both sacred and secular.
B. In Baroque music, the birth of polyphonic “Golden Age of Polyphony”, vocal polyphony reaches a high degree of perfection with four or more voices of equal importance.
C. Baroque music characterized by grand and elaborate ornamentation of sculptures, theaters, and arts.
D. Baroque Music has a monophonic structure meaning one or single melody only.

8. Grade 9 Narra had a creative activity wherein they combine an immediate musical composition with their performance with communication of emotions and instrumental technique as well as a spontaneous response to other musicians, what do you call this activity? *

A. Musical Improvisation
B. Musical theater
C. Musical Extemporization
D. Both A and C​