
Day 2: The scientific method is a series of organized steps that are taken to answer a question or solve a problem. You can apply the scientific method by gathering information and thinking of possible solutions to the problem There are six steps to follow when using the scientific method 1. Identify the problem. The first step of the scientific method involves asking a question or defining a problem. Answer the question what do you want to know? An example would be, "Which type of soil is best for growing mongo plants?" or "Do boys have faster reflexes than girls?" 2. Gather information. Using your senses (sight, touch, smell, hearing, and even taste), gather relevant information to answer the problem. 3 Formulate a hypothesis. A hypothesis is an educated guess that may lead to a possible solution to the problem 4. Test the hypothesis Perform an experiment to accept or reject the hypothesis. 5. Collect the data. When doing an experiment, record observations and present them in a clear format. The data can be presented in tables and graphs. 6. Draw a conclusion Analyze the data to draw a rational conclusion. If the hypothesis is true, then the problem is solved. Otherwise, formulate and test other hypotheses.​

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