
why mary is our mother also explain your answer​

Sagot :


The Blessed Virgin Mary is our mother because of Jesus. She accepted God's invitation to be the Mother of the Messiah. She gave birth to Jesus and raised Him with St. ... Mary is the Mother of Jesus, and because of this, she is also the Mother of the Catholic Church and Mother of all the faithful.


She sets a great example for us of unwavering faith and trust in God. Mary comes to our aid to help us; she is a mother who wants to see all of us love God and listen to her Son. She helps us to do this in any way she can. Mary is a Mediatrix of graces, meaning that she dispenses graces to us that God gives to her for this purpose. Mary is the person closest to God. No other human was as close to Jesus as she was, as she is

Dear Grace,

My daughter-in-law, who is not Catholic, said that one of the "problems" she has with the Catholic faith is our reverence for Mary and the fact that we pray to her for intercession. She believes that we put Mary on the same level as Jesus. How can I best explain to her that we do not?

It is sad indeed that there exists so much misunderstanding regarding the love and reverence that Catholics and other Christians have for the Mother of Jesus. More than likely, the problem stems from the fact that the Blessed Virgin Mary is not regarded by some as a personal, spiritual mother. For it is only is recognizing her as our true Spiritual Mother that we will be lead to an authentic response to Mary.

When Catholics say, "Mary is our Mother," these are not just empty words. They mean rather that we recognize Mary for who she is and also for her role in the plan of God. That Mary was the mother of Jesus the God-Man is almost universally accepted among all Christians and probably many non-Christians as well. Therefore, in this small space, let us focus instead on her role in the life of the Church today. We will then be better able to explain why we love, revere, and honor her and also why we are thus lead to seek her intercession and protection.