
Leaming Task 4: Look for any academic text found in your home. Check out some magazines, newspapers of journals, and even online sources. Just make sure that the web-sites you will visit are legitimate sources of information. Pick an artide about a topic related to your chosen specialization. Read and understand it's content. Then do the tasks below: 1. Write an outline of the article that you have read. Use any of the format in outlining that you have leamed in this lesson. 2. identify and write the thesis statement used in the article; 3. Write a summary of the article you read.​

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Leaming Task 4: Look for any academic text found in your home. Check out some magazines, newspapers of journals, and even online sources. Just make sure that the web-sites you will visit are legitimate sources of information. Pick an artide about a topic related to your chosen specialization. Read and understand it's content. Then do the tasks below: 1. Write an outline of the article that you have read. Use any of the format in outlining that you have leamed in this lesson. 2. identify and write the thesis statement used in the article; 3. Write a summary of the article you read.