Sagot :
being mad or angry: very angry
: having or showing severe mental illness
: unable to think in a clear or sensible way
Full Definition
1 : disordered in mind : insane
2 a : completely unrestrained by reason and judgment <driven mad by the pain>
b : incapable of being explained or accounted for <a mad decision>
3 : carried away by intense anger : furious <mad about the delay>
4 : carried away by enthusiasm or desire <mad about horses>
5 : affected with rabies : rabid
6 : marked by wild gaiety and merriment : hilarious
7 : intensely excited : frantic
8 : marked by intense and often chaotic activity : wild <a mad scramble>
Other forms: mad·der; mad·dest
mad·dish \ˈma-dish\ adjective
like mad : to an extreme degree <spending like mad>
Origin: Middle English medd, madd, from Old English gemǣd, past participle of *gemǣdan to madden, from gemād silly, mad; akin to Old High German gimeit foolish, crazy.
First use: before 12th century
Synonyms: angered, apoplectic, ballistic, cheesed off [chiefly British], choleric, enraged, foaming, fuming, furious, hopping, horn-mad, hot, incensed, indignant, inflamed (also enflamed), infuriate, infuriated, irate, ireful, livid, angry, outraged, rabid, rankled, riled, riley, roiled, shirty [chiefly British], sore, steamed up, steaming, teed off, ticked, wrathful, wroth