
How do you reflect on this, “True happiness doesn’t stern from money."

Sagot :


Money only provides fleeting pleasure

It is not a goal that can be attained by simply purchasing an expensive item, but it can be found inside you by embracing gratitude and optimism. Finding true happiness means understanding that the material things we think will make us happy don't actually bring lasting joy


brainliest please


I look around at many of the people I interact with on a daily basis and it seems many are stuck in jobs they do not enjoy because they’ve allowed a paycheck to serve as the leash of their life. It’s really quite sad when you think about it. Long story short… money doesn’t bring happiness.

Yes, everyone has bills. Yes, student loans can cause an issue. Yes, a person can grow accustomed to having a certain level of income. But all of these things are just noise. It’s noise that distracts us from living our true purpose. I understand that these, and many other, issues can change life’s plans. But I also believe we all have to prioritize certain things over the material.

For me, my happiness and fulfillment is the most important thing. A lot of people believe money will make them happy, but it won’t. Of course, money can purchase items we desire such as a new car or a plane ticket which in turn can make us feel some level of happiness. But that type of happiness is short-lived. The happiness you feel from purchasing a new car or from being able to afford a plane ticket will go away quickly as you become desensitized to the concept of actually being able to afford these items. Overtime, many of us fail to appreciate our ability to have these experiences and take them for granted. As a result, our focus is ever shifting to the next big thing.