Sagot :
Question no.1
— As a child, to listen and obey my parents is the most important role in the family. In the community, my role is to develop life skills that will allow me to become a productive citizen in the future.
Question no. 3
— The role in the family and community is different in scope. Roles in the family differ in context across culture but there is a common ground between immediate family members. The paternal role is mostly financial security and protection while the maternal role is nurture and protect the household members. The child's role is respecting the authority of parents while the sibling role is developing cooperation between peers. Healthy families produce people who make positive contributions to the community as well as establishing a peaceful community. Wherein every community members follow the rules and work towards the welfare of others.
Question no.4
— I will not change any of my roles in the family or community. I will treasure my roles in the family as it bridges towards achieving a better world as I joined in the adult community. Family and community should work accordingly to achieve peace and sustainability today and for future generations.
Traits of a Healthy Family
Traits of a Healthy FamilyA healthy family shows the following traits:
- Communicates and listens.
- Affirms and supports each other.
- Teaches respect to others.
- Develops a sense of trust.
- Display a sense of play and humor.
- Exhibits a sense of shared responsibility
Ways to maintain a healthy community
These are some ways to maintain a healthy community:
- Provide budget to support coummunity projects.
- Community members should participate in any program implemented within the community
- All members should have self-discipline at all times.
- Local government should evaluate community performance and provide intervention.